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🤖💥 AI Arms Race: Tech Giants Battle for Supremacy 🚀🌐

March 29, 20234 min read

"The question of whether a computer can think is no more interesting than the question of whether a submarine can swim."

- Edsger W. Dijkstra

Artificial intelligence (AI) has quickly become a critical component of the technology landscape. From virtual assistants to self-driving cars, AI is transforming the way we interact with machines and each other. But as the race to create the most advanced AI heats up, we're beginning to see the emergence of an AI arms race between major technology companies. This race is likely to shape up quickly and be completed within three years.

Since November, millions of people have flocked to OpenAIs ChatGPT. Its capabilities are quite amazing, and I’m discovering new ways to use it daily.  Making me more efficient. However, AWS and Google got caught with their proverbial pants down by the  success of ChatGPT. As of today, not even 6 months after its release, ChatGPT has over 100 million users.

Microsoft was first to the table with integrating ChatGPT into the office product dubbed CoPilot. I was honestly surprised at the speed at which Microsoft accomplished this, as they haven't been known for being an agile innovator for quite some time. Google just announced a pilot program for “trusted testers” for their own AI implementation, Bard. It will be interesting to know how it stacks up against ChatGPT.

Amazon is another tech giant that's making significant investments in AI. The company's AI-powered Alexa virtual assistant has become a household name, and its cloud-based AI services are in high demand. But so far, the tech giant and my previous employer have been fairly quiet, besides the AWS CTO saying ChatGPT is “not concerned about the truth” as a futile attempt to discredit the service. I don’t know about you, but after using ChatGPT, talking to my Alexa seems like I’m talking to a Ford Model T by comparison. 

Facebook is yet another major player in the AI arms race. The social media giant has invested heavily in AI research, and its deep learning models are used to power a wide range of services, from image recognition to content moderation. With its massive user base and wealth of data, 

Facebook is well-positioned to continue making significant strides in AI.

So, what might this AI arms race look like over the next three years? We're likely to see continued investment and innovation from these major players, with each company striving to create the most advanced AI technologies. We're also likely to see more acquisitions as companies look to bring in talented AI teams and technologies.

The arms race won’t only involve the big players either. Nearly every day I see some new platform available touting AI capabilities. I use several AI technologies to make my life easier and work more efficiently. 

Of course, there are also potential risks associated with an AI arms race. The race to create the most advanced AI could lead to ethical concerns, such as the development of AI that's too advanced or too powerful. There's also the risk of an AI arms race between nations, which could have significant geopolitical implications. One of the risks that I don’t really hear about but have great concerns about is the rapid replacement of staff with AI. I think there are a lot of jobs, from accounting to paralegal, that could see a significant reduction in the workforce.

The impending AI arms race between major technology companies is likely to shape the tech landscape for the next three years and beyond. With continued investment and innovation, we can expect to see significant advancements in AI technologies. However, it's important to be mindful of the potential risks and ethical concerns associated with the race to create the most advanced AI. But the better question is, are you or your company prepared for these shifts? 

I believe that this rapid rate of innovation will drastically change the way that companies hire and acquire tech talent. Moving from full-time W2 employees to freelancers to meet their technology needs. In fact, the site Upwork research shows that 59% of companies are looking to hire more remote freelancers. That's why I created the Freedom with Freelancing program to help tech professionals jump-start their freelancing careers. Head over to Freedom with Freelancing to check it you and take command of your future.

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